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Aluminium Alloys – Titanium Boron Aluminium TiBAl Grain Refiners by Metallurg Aluminium


Metallurg Aluminium leads the world in the development and production of highly effective grain refining agents for the aluminium industry.

In casthouse applications, the control of grain size is absolutely essential in maintaining product consistency and quality, in reducing costs and maintaining high levels of productivity. The controlled addition of Metallurg Aluminium’s titanium boron aluminium TiBAl™ grain refiners to molten aluminium releases nucleant particles that promote equiaxed, fine grain structures throughout the cast alloy, thus avoiding formation of columnar crystals. Casting speed can be increased, and improved feeding characteristics achieved.What Effect Does the Addition of Tribal Have on Aluminium Alloys?

The addition of a TiBAl™ grain refiner improves homogeneity and allows for a uniform distribution of alloying elements, reduces porosity and eliminates hot tearing in cast structures, improves responsiveness to subsequent heat treatment, and enhances mechanical properties and machinability in the fabrication process. Continuous injection of TiBAl™ rod is a highly effective treatment for all aluminium alloys.
How Does TiBAl Work?

There are two distinct types of particles seen in the microstructure of TiBAl™: TiB2 particles – grain refining nuclei, typically 1-2 microns in size, which do not dissolve in liquid aluminium; and TiAl3 plates – larger than TiB2 (typically 30-50 microns in size) which dissolve readily in liquid aluminium. Both types of particles play an essential role in the grain refining process.
Why You Should Choose TiBAl?

Decades of research and development into the application of aluminium grain refiners have made TiBAl™ the preferred choice of casthouses world-wide. Its consistent high quality, exceptional metal cleanliness and proven efficiency have made it the standard by which all other grain refiners are judged.
TiBAl Compositions


Composition (nom)

AA*/CEN** Designation

Principal Application

TiBAl 5/1

5 Ti, 1 B


Highly efficient and versatile refiner for a wide range of casting conditions

TiBAl 5/0.2

5 Ti, 0.2 B


Powerful grain refiner for Boride-sensitive applications such as foil, canstock and surface critical profiles.

TiBAl 3/1

3 Ti, 1 B


An efficient, cost effective refiner for many applications.

TiBAl 3/0.2

3 Ti, 0.2 B


A high performance, defect-free grain refiner for continuous sheet casting applications.
Product Forms and Packaging

· For continuous injection into the metal stream, TiBAl™ grain refiners are available as coiled rod. For ease of handling and accurate, continuous addition, de-coilers and reliable automatic rod feeders are also available from Metallurg Aluminium.

· For furnace additions, TiBAl™ as Castcut™, cut rod or waffle plate form is added as the melt treatment is completed, usually within 20 minutes prior to casting.

· For launder additions, ensuring reliable grain refinement of ingots at the earliest stages of casting, Castcut™ bars or cut rods are set in the launder prior to casting.

· Our TiCAl 315™ and TiAl grain refiners are also available in these product forms. Ask your Metallurg Aluminium sales representative for complete details.




TiBAl Rod coils

Nominally 9.7mm (3/8in) diameter in 180kg (400lb), 270kg (600lb), 450kg (1000lb) coils

3 coils per pallet, strapped and protected from moisture

TiBAl Cut rod

Nominally 0.16m (6in) – 33g (0.075lbs);
0.33m (12in) – 67g (0.15lbs);
0.5m (18in) – 100g (0.22lbs);
1.0m (36in) – 200g (0.44lbs)

In nominal 1MT (2205 lbs) pallet boxes or drums

TiBAl CastcutTM Bar

Nominally 100 – 3000g (0.44 – 6.6lbs)
typically 113g (1/4lb), 227g (1/2lb), 454g (1lb), 1kg (2.2lbs)

In nominal 1MT (2205 lbs) pallet boxes or drums

TiBAl Waffle plate

Nominally 6.5 or 7.5kg (14.3 or 16.5 lbs)

In 1-1.5MT (2205-3307 lbs) lots on pallets strapped and shrink-wrapped for full protection

This table shows standard product specifications and packaging. Please enquire about other options.

All aluminium grain refiners are carefully packaged to ensure delivery of clean, dry, clearly identified material.

Note: Never add wet product to molten metal. Ensure that all materials are dry prior to addition.
Metallurg Aluminium Technical Services

Our world-wide technical services team can help you reduce grain refiner costs and achieve desired cast and product properties with TiBAl™ grain refiners. Their versatility and cost-effectiveness, combined with our experience in casting processes, can enhance your production and improve your bottom line.
Product Quality

Metallurg Aluminium’s pursuit of the highest level of quality is reflected in the rigorous ongoing assessment of all our metal treatment alloys and aluminium master alloys. Our products are inspected, examined for consistency and metal cleanliness and tested to international standards.

Metallurg Aluminium’s world-wide production facilities at London & Scandinavian Metallurgical Co Limited (LSM) in England, Shieldalloy Metallurgical Corporation (SMC) in the United States and Companhia Industrial Fluminense (CIF) in Brazil are each registered to the ISO 9001:2000 quality standard. Our Total Quality Management (TQM) philosophy and commitment to quality assure our customers that all of our products meet exacting standards.
Global Logistics and Delivery

Metallurg Aluminium’s global logistics and production ensure reliable delivery of our master alloys, metal treatment alloys, grain refiners and compacted alloying products. Responsive technical support and process expertise mean our products will meet the demands of your specific application with high performance and economy.


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